
We often do not realize how bound we are by the world until it aches to survive. We crave liberation. Liberation from everything around and very often liberation from ourselves. The moulds we are stuffed into, unable to move our arms. The rules we are put under, unable to think openly. 

It is often our own thoughts that tie our feet down impeding us. The people around us who trap us into the web of woeful wilderness where we lose ourselves over and over again. These emotions of ours drown us into dark depths from where we grapple for the surface to have a gasp before we are pulled again. That strive for a glance of liberation is what keeps you and me going.

Some of us spend our entire lives without realizing we are bound by the world while some live under the illusion of being free. There is then another group of people who realize the boundations imposed onto them, who grasp the fact that one can never be free but it is also their job to break free from them and seek liberation. For them, for me, the meaning, purpose and journey of life is the craving of, fighting for, seeking, and nearing liberation but never attaining it. 

~ Miss Balance (Jiyana Jethani)


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