I have written about change a couple of times but on a truer note, I still don’t completely understand it. It still scares me. I still wish to avoid it. I still go numb and freeze with incoming change. The actual scariness of change is the uncertainty of things it brings along. You can never know whether it came for better or for worse and often at times what might appear for the good may drastically turn into a wrecking change.
Change is the only constant. A phrase so overused that many have never understood the core message behind it. Whether we like it or not, change will happen. To avoid it and deny it will make us stagnant and the only way to keep going and growing is to accept it.
Overtime, what I have learnt through people and experiences is that change cannot be avoided and neither its consequences. What is in fact in our control is how we perceive, embrace and accept it. It all depends on us. Our perception and acceptance of the situation can help us either make it one of the best changes or the worst.
Maybe that is what change is. It scares you through its arrival so that the joy it brings is more cherished.
- MissBalance (Jiyana Jethani)
- MissBalance (Jiyana Jethani)
Beautiful piece of writing