A difference exists. A difference that makes all the difference. A difference between the words and actions of the people around. In some extreme scenarios, a difference persists between the actions too.
The words narrate a story so enchanting and the actions act out harsh reality and oftentimes it’s the other way around. The aura around, becomes absurd. Your heart sinks into a state of dubiety. What shall you believe? The words or the actions? Should you leave for the bad part or stay for the good one?
At one point, you’d be made to believe that you’re the center of their universe and in the very next you’d be nothing. You can’t completely hate them, you can’t completely love them and you sit in a conundrum. Life becomes a roller coaster where you ride along through these waves of life of these people. While sticking by or leaving is completely up to you, do remember that such people drain you and strip you off your individuality.
Steer clear of such people and if you can’t, communicate. Let them know what hurts and perhaps you can hope they’d understand and maybe for once, see you as you.
-MissBalance (Jiyana Jethani)
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